I believe the healthy smoothie is a must in everyone’s healthy eating diet plan. And is here is why…

This concentrated healthy food preparation has been shown to help prevent, and possibly be part of the solution against the rising chronic autoimmune disease trend. A good example is this article on the best smoothies for individuals with psoriatic arthritis.


What is so good about this recipe is how it is loaded with anti-inflammatory ingredients. But don’t be fooled, and think fruit smoothies are just a summer drink. Although I love a good watermelon smoothie on a hot summer day. The fact is, for me, I prepare a smoothie on average 5 days a week. Alternating its main healthy ingredient between, protein, veggie and fruit.



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“Summer is a great time to bring out the blender and treat your friends to a frozen concoction called a smoothie. Smoothies differ from juices in that usually in a smoothie, the whole fruit or vegetable is blended into the drink. Smoothies are not only a fun addition to the menu, but they can also be chock-full of foods known to help you feel your best if you are living with psoriatic arthritis.”-Healthcentral.

In fact, a healthy fruit smoothie is a great breakfast alternative for most Americans eating the “standard American diet.” The key is eating more “Anti-inflammatory foods.

What could be better for anyone’s health than, eating “… foods that are known to combat inflammation naturally.

There a number of healthy smoothie options, to see more, search this site by the tag smoothie. Each nature has provided many health benefits. Such as the tropical fruit pineapple, well know to reduce inflammation because it contains an enzyme called bromeliad. Often used “to treat arthritis, soft tissue injuries, colon inflammation, chronic pain, and asthma. The natural sweetness of pineapple makes a great smoothie ingredient.

Please don’t skip this post jusy because you are not suffering with psoriatic arthritis. “[T]hese foods for healing is not a new idea, but recent science is allowing us to understand exactly how the substances in some foods work to make us feel better.

Here is just a few of the items which are easy to find in your grocery store to make great smoothies. Consider adding Turmeric, Pineapple, a good vegan/vegetable protein powder (not whey), and Probiotics, for example to power up your healthy smoothie.

Do you makes healthy smoothies, share a recipe below!

Sources and Inspiration

The Best Smoothies for Individuals with Psoriatic Arthritis“, Tracey Davenport.
Reducing Inflammation with Healthy Smoothies“, Ryan Carmody


Disclaimer: In fact, before starting any exercise, diet or wellness program, be sure you consult your doctor and be sure to learn the proper techniques for that diet before starting a new wellness program.That would defeat the whole purpose of the activity and your injury may even increase your health insurance cost not reduce them. This post and site is intended to be for educational & entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be considered medical advice. Readers should understand the links to products may or may not pay commissions to the author of the post to defray website costs or the time of the writer and/or coach’s time. Linked products are not endorsements of the product unless specifically so designated.