My Personal Chronic Illness Journal — Entry 20180900

My new doctor seems to be practicing medicine. Unlike any other doctor I have experienced before. I know that sounds stupid because until I now, I thought all doctors were the same. They are smart. Attended medical school. Then suffered thru internships, residencies, and took board certification exams to prove their competency to diagnose, treat and prescribe medications. Fact is most doctors seem to have forgotten the basics of health and how our immune system works to be self correcting, without chemical or surgical intervention. Western medicine is  technology driven tests, and following CDC / Insurance company protocols which typically focus on pharmacological treatments.

Anyway, back to my experience with my doctor. He seems to be conformable blending western tools and practices with eastern medical practices to achieve the healthy result.

Old Health Skills with New Wellness Tools

I don’t think I have shared my experience with the bio-meridian stress test before. To my surprise I would describe it in two works. It works. My doctor describes it a an assessment tool combining state-of-the-art computer algoriyme and eastern medicine’s understand of the bodies electrical meridians. Most people have some knowledge of acupuncture. This is similar in that it reads the electrical pulse at certain points into a computerized unit to assess specific organs and their function.

This  measurement is then compared against a database to identify areas of your body that is operating either under stress or not. In my case it identified my bacterial infection before confirmed by laboratory DNA tests. The software assists effectively recommending an optimal supplementation regimen based on your personal needs.

As advertised it was non-invasive, painless and was performed by a technician while I reviewed my history, or current status with the doctor.. It was like an EKG reading of your heart, but they have you hold a copper electrode in one had, while touching various meridian points on my hand and foot.

They said it is highly used on Canada, and by thousands of other medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, acupuncturists and other licensed health practitioners. And all BioMeridian devices have a FDA registration and CE approval.

Sounds like I’m advertising this tool, but I’m not. Just thought it worked for me. Was low cost and seems to have helped my get a sound supplement routine in place to help me recover.

If you missed my last journal entry click here, or sort posts by the category Lyme Journal.

Sadly, by comparison, this study, by actual doctors performing screenings, were less valuable.

Here is one study demonstrating the effectiveness of the EDS screening tool

Here is another example of how this biomeriden technology has proven useful – here is “gold standard” study on Breast Cancer detection.