My Personal Chronic Lyme Illness Journal – 20210102 –

The ups and downs of my wellness life with Lyme disease…

Started noticing growing fatigue three days ago, but today it is total crash. Tired even though I slept from 10pm to 5am. I felt shaky yesterday. Today full Lyme body – aches pains flu-like and cloudy head fog coming on.

At Least I’m Not Going Thru This Alone.
Gayle feels similar. And not ready surprised. We have been off the herbal tinctures for two weeks tomorrow. Still disappointing given all the years fighting this illness. As it is New Year’s weekend I want to feel positive about the days ahead. Instead I feel like having a bout of COVID would be a better trade than Lyme infections.

Image from  livinginthelymelightdotblog another great lyme page.

Tomorrow is another day another chance to kick spirochete butt and the rest. Hopefully the herx  won’t be too bad.

Be well.. stay strong and as President Trump says, “The best is yet to come!”
P.S. Ever try an Epsom salts and Lavender oil bath? It seemed to help today.